Gender Data Series: Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on women and girls
The COVID-19 outbreak has uncovered pressure points impacting women and girls across an array of key issues including increased cases of gender-based violence and sexual exploitation, capacity to earn a living and obtaining financial independence, and reduced access to sexual and reproductive health services.
On May 12, 2020, Devex and Facebook are launching a series of ten virtual workshops to create a better understanding of the gender-related issues highlighted by the current pandemic and to share important lessons learned about how data can help inform better responses to the current and future pandemics.
By bringing together experts from across sectors, the practical series of virtual events seek to build the capacity and empower non-profits, development professionals, and key stakeholders such as ministries of health to better understand the potential and possibilities of freely available data sets for improving their response for women and girls.
Register on this page to receive updates and reminders on the series, as well as to join each webinar. More information on the broader series to come soon.